Right now its been a little crazy again life wise, trying to get everything squared away. My old college roommate and I got together with wives and friends and we had our first annual "Faux-con". It was a fantastic weekend of board games, Warmachine/Hordes, Warhammer Fantasy, and 40k. Lance had decided to reduce the amount of models he has, and I inherited his Croe's Cutthroates and Alexia and Risen models. I will probably be doing some painting experiemnts
During this time, I have gotten some Nihilators, they have been primed, and started painted on. I've got Marketh and Zaal's skin painted up. So much Skorne! Why all this Skorne? Well I will be playing Skorne for the Gold Rush Rampage that is happening on August 4th in Roseville, CA (so less than a month away). I also have my super secret GRR theme model to model/paint up. So all in all, lots of things should be posting within the next month.
Monday, July 9, 2012
Friday, April 13, 2012
Dominar Rasheth
So I finished Dominar Rasheth, and I'm very happy with the competed model. So here he is, Phatty McPhatpants and his Jade Palanquin!
Friday, April 6, 2012
Things I Do Well
Updating WIP I can do rather frequently, updating what I'm finished with, I do not do very well. One of these days I will sit down and set up a better area to shoot finished photos with. There are a few models that I should go back to and complete (Calandra, eMadrak, and Mulg) and take better photos of them. I did finish the Archidon, of course a little more detail would be fantastic but here is a current pic of him.

I've also been working on some casters: eHexeris and Phatty McPhatterson himself, Dominar Rasheth
Monday, March 26, 2012
Work In Progress: more DFA
More work on the BBoWDFA! Armor and metals are base painted and washed! Highlights and work on the bone, nails, eyes, etc! Looks like it will be worked on tomorrow as it will sit around overnight, so i can look at it again with fresh eyes.
More props for the Liquid Green Stuff, I found little gap between one of the legs and the back, and it just looked wrong. I realized that when I would be playing with this beast, I would be staring at it, and know that it could have been better This was after I primed and base coated, and I put on more LGStuff on. I smoothed out the gap, re-primed, painted the area, and its hard to tell the gap was there.
More props for the Liquid Green Stuff, I found little gap between one of the legs and the back, and it just looked wrong. I realized that when I would be playing with this beast, I would be staring at it, and know that it could have been better This was after I primed and base coated, and I put on more LGStuff on. I smoothed out the gap, re-primed, painted the area, and its hard to tell the gap was there.
Work In Progress: more progress
I've got the base painted, I might have to tweak the coloring based on what Big Bird of Winged Death From Above ends up being. But the first coatings are down on the BBoWDFA:
Starting off with Menoth White Base, and mixed up a wash of PP Ember Orange, Citadel Gryphonne Sepia wash, Vallejo Light Grey (to take some of the Orange brightness down). Comes up with a orange-brown wash. This is me playing with mixing colors/washes together and seeing what happens. A bit of experimenting.
After this dries, I'll use some more Gryphonne Sepia Wash to get more into the nooks and crannies, then start dry brushing browns and oranges on top. At least that is what i'm thinking at this point in the painting process.
Starting off with Menoth White Base, and mixed up a wash of PP Ember Orange, Citadel Gryphonne Sepia wash, Vallejo Light Grey (to take some of the Orange brightness down). Comes up with a orange-brown wash. This is me playing with mixing colors/washes together and seeing what happens. A bit of experimenting.
After this dries, I'll use some more Gryphonne Sepia Wash to get more into the nooks and crannies, then start dry brushing browns and oranges on top. At least that is what i'm thinking at this point in the painting process.
Work In Progress
So I got the Big Bird of Winged Death From Above and started assembling:
As you can see from the green under the wing, I'm also using Liquid Green Stuff from GW for the first time. I'm liking it! It is great for those little seams between pieces, not great for larger gaps. I now have a dedicated LGStuff paintbrush, and see using this product on pretty much any model.
I've got a base modeled up for BBoWDFA, and am thinking of doing a brown, similar to my other brown beasts from the far east, but adding a bit more orange. We will see where we go when I get painting it.
Oh and to get the 'word out' if you want to know what is going on in NorCal for the Warmahordist in you, check out the new (moved) board at: norcalwarmachine
Friday, January 13, 2012
Works In Progress - Trolls
So I got onto a Troll painting kick. Calandra, eMadrak, and Mulg. My goal is to have fully painted armies on the table come tournament time. This Saturday there is a 25pt tournament, not sure if I'm going to be able to go yet, having to help out family for possibly the entire weekend.
My plan is to bring the following lists:
Calandra Truthsayer (tabletop ready)
Bomber (fully painted)
Impaler (fully painted)
Fell Caller Hero (fully painted)
Full Burrowers (fully painted)
Min Kriel Warriors (partially painted)
Stone Scribe Chronicler (partially painted)
Madrack Ironhide, World Ender (tabletop ready)
Mulg the Ancient (tabletop ready)
Pyre Troll (fully painted)
My plan is to bring the following lists:
Calandra Truthsayer (tabletop ready)
Bomber (fully painted)
Impaler (fully painted)
Fell Caller Hero (fully painted)
Full Burrowers (fully painted)
Min Kriel Warriors (partially painted)
Stone Scribe Chronicler (partially painted)
Madrack Ironhide, World Ender (tabletop ready)
Mulg the Ancient (tabletop ready)
Pyre Troll (fully painted)
Fell Caller Hero (fully painted)
Full Burrowers (fully painted)
Min Kriel Warriors (partially painted)
Since its a SR2012 list, I need to have 5 points of reinforcements. I believe that for eMadrack I'll have a Trollkin Champion Hero, and the Stone Scribe Chronicler. But for Calandra, I'm thinking of having Runeshapers and Swamp Gobbers. I've also through of having a Champ Hero with Calandra also, but then I have 2 points of, I don't know what to bring.
Calandra with her Party Dress on |
eMadrack Axe to Mouth action! |
But I do have some pics of my progress on some models. I will be able to get most of it done so that I can put them on the tabletop, and then do more highlighting to get them "properly" painted.
Mulg is getting close to SMASH the tabletop! |
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