Friday, December 23, 2011

Project Random - Update!

I'm about to call Project Random a failure...I have gotten the base coat done on a few of the models, and need to wash/highlight, etc.  But its been so long since I have painted anything, and there are 3 big tournaments coming up, where I want to be fully painted for, and I'm thinking of painting the skorne up for them.

Feburary 11th is the inaugural Gold Rush Rampage in Sacramento:

March 2nd-4th is the 2nd annual Bay Area Open:

May 25th-28th is the Khan of Cons, Kublacon:

Deciding what I'm going to play, I might play with my Skorne instead of the Trolls....Which means Trolls get to sit for a bit, which means, Project Random is on hold at the very least.